Monday, August 29, 2005


What a shitty day, huh? I hate rain. Worst thing is that it's going to be like this for the next 5 or 6 days. That BLOWS! Days like this always give me headaches and make me depressed. Ah well.

Today was the first day of classes and it was alright. I only had two. I got to Pitt this morning around 9:05, and with my first class starting at 10:00, I had a bit of time to kill. So I sat in McDonalds drinking coffee and reading the paper until about 9:45 and then I hiked it to Sennott Square for my first class: Web Design and Development. I was all prepped to learn how to enhance websites and build on my already pretty good knowledge of server side scripting and such when the professor walks in and goes "Okay, Good Morning. I want you all to login and open the internet." At that point, my jaw kind of hit the floor and I began smacking myself. Somehow "Web Design and Development" must mean "Find the Big Blue E 101." The rest of the class was spent tuning out the prof because when he showed us the syllabus, the only thing I don't know how to do too well on there is the very last chapter with cascading style sheets. Sigh. Easy credits I suppose, but I was really looking forward to this. :(

And then at 12:00 I had my Comparitive Politics Recitation which was eh. It was in the Cathedral of Learning and that place is so stuffy that you feel as though you should crawl out of your skin. The graduate student leading the discussion was from Uruguay and had the biggest French accent I've ever heard in my life. It was so hard to understand him because you could tell at certain times he was at a loss of words: "blah blah... uhhh.... umm.... blah....... uh...." Ah well, at least when I actually have the COURSE tomorrow, it'll be a little less lecturing and a little more discussion next time I meet with him.

And that was my day pretty much. Around 12:30 I caught a bus back into town and then I waited for about 1/2 hour to catch a bus home. I had such a headache too and all I wanted to do was sleep. It was raining like a mother too. Did I mention I hate rain? I felt so yucky when I got home so I just crashed and burned.

Tonight I'm going to go to Best Buy to buy new headphones since mine mysteriously decided to die last night on me. Makes me sad. Tomorrow's going to suck.

Oh, and God speed those affected by Katrina. :\


At 10:29 PM, Blogger Mike Hanley said...

"Open the internet" - god... The Big Blue E strikes again.

Wait a minute... how could someone who says "internet" when they mean "browser" even get that job?


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