Wednesday, August 24, 2005

The Days Keep Ticking Down

Ain't that the truth huh? I'm bored now so I'm going to update. Yesterday was just work. Uneventful. Today is also shaping up to be a boring day.

This morning I got up real early (6:15) and caught a bus into town. There I caught one to Oakland and got to Pitt around 7:15ish. From there I went to where they have the Housing stuff and filled out an application for student living. My rationale is that even if I don't get one this semester, I will be one of the absolute firsts to receive my room next semester. And since today is move-in day, that's the reason why I got up so early heh. It wasn't crowded at all, but The X was broadcasting from Towers. Yeah I went up and waved to Alan Cox. Freaky kid.

Then I caught the bus back into town and took the slow bus home (no "express" one running out of town that early in the morning). I got home around 8:30 and went back to bed until 11:30. Now I'm kinda just sitting here waiting to hear from my friends with whom I'm going to do stuff tonight (another last hurrah, heh).

I definitely envy my friends who are already in their dorms and I wish I could be there heh. Ah well.

I'm cold. The end. :)


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