Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Hrm, stuff

Well Sunday marked the beginning of the last week in my life I will legally be a minor in the eyes of the federal gov't. Heh scary... but I'm young, so whatever. :P

There's nothing much to really report. I went home last Wed. to work on the webpage with my dad and then back again on Friday since Halapy was in town. We went bowling and that was fun. Friday night kind of sucked once I got back to the dorm, however. Everyone started filtering back in around 1:30 or so from parties and everyone was being really fucking rowdy... banging on doors / walls and shit, but meh. Saturday I worked then came back and slept pretty much for the entire rest of the day. Went out Saturday night with Haley, my roommate, and some dudes from my floor... we went to this party and it really sucked, in my opinion. Too many people in one place and the beer was eh. I didn't drink all that much because I wasn't feeling too good to begin with.

As is reported in both Hanley and Haley's blog, the hour or so following the party where I managed to convince Hanley that Haley (or who I thought was Haley) was in my closet was just fucking hilarious. Heh, good times... sorry Hanley. :)

Anyway, after that my roommate brought a fat chick back (he's in a competition with his friend regarding how many fat chicks he can sleep with by the end of the semester) and kicked Haley and I out. I figured I'd just crash at his place since it was around 2:00 and I'd be able to get to sleep. So we went down and played pool and such and then decided to hit the hay around 2:30. I layed there for a little while but I definitely couldn't get comfortable (Haley your floor is too hard and cold, bitch) so I snuck out and walked back to my place at about 3:15ish. When I got back my roomie was still with the chick, but I decided to just go to sleep anyway. They, unfortunately, weren't tired (go figure) and proceeded to keep me up. Finally around 4:00 I got up and went up to the 6th floor lounge to hopefully sleep there. Yeah... turns out 10 or so Asian dudes were pulling an "all nighta!" watching stupid-ass anime. Yeah I was too tired to care so I pulled a couch all the way to the other side of the room, but definitely couldn't get to sleep because they kept fucking SHOUTING in some language I didn't understand.. :(

So around 5:30 I dragged myself back to my room, but, alas, they were still up and talking. WHAT THE FUCK -_- I'm like, fuck it guys, and layed in bed. I must've fallen asleep somewhere between 5:30 and 6:00 and then my alarm goes and wakes me up at 8:30. Bleh, I had to go to work on Sunday. So I downed about 3 cups of coffee completely black and met Ryan so he could drive me to work.

Work wasn't actually that bad for the amount of sleep I had. I was dead tired the whole day, but I was still functioning fairly well. TLC came in and filmed some kind of reality type show while visitors were there on Sunday so there's a good chance I'll be on TV sometime in the near future. Oooh boy. :
After work I got back, did a little bit of homework, went to this 6:30 "class" I had for Freshman Studies where we did nothing, but it was our last class so we got pizza and stuff. Not too bad. Then I got back, watched the game up until about the 3rd quarter or so and then I must've fallen asleep as next thing I know, my alarm is going off and it's 9:30. Huh. Oh well.

Yesterday I got up and had this splitting migraine. Definitely is teh suck. So I went to comp sci, came back and napped, got up and went to my poly sci recitation (and fell asleep in it, which isn't good because it's the 2nd of the last recitation I'll have before the big term paper is due) and then caught a bus back home. I had a doctor's appointment at 2:30 which I made (thankfully... almost missed the bus back to NH.. the bus driver wasn't an asshole and actually stopped for me :D) where they gave me a physical and stuff and then they gave me a flu shot and a prescription for migraines. ^_^ Fun stuff... took one of those when I got back and I was out cold, but when I woke up the headache was gone! Yay.

So I spent the night last night too because my dad was out refereeing hockey until real late and my mom had to go shopping... and since she can't really see too well at night, I drove. I saw Vanessa at Shop 'n Save and I haven't really seen her in a while. So we got to talking and stuff and she reiterated exactly what Haley told me about her (you dog, Haley... you dog). Came back, did nothing... watched the eagles / cowboys game (keke silly eagles) and then went to sleep.

And now we're here-- present time. Nothing is going on really. My roommate's real sick and I have a lot of work I need to be doing for French tonight. And then there's that webpage that needs to be done by next Friday and that paper that needs to be done in 2 weeks. :\ Yuck. Oh well, but anyway, 'til next time kiddos!


At 11:19 PM, Blogger Drkdstryer said...


What did I say now?


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