Wednesday, October 12, 2005

So how's everyone been?

I've been dandy. I just finished my last paper (of four) that I had to write before today. :D

Anyway recap. Thursday evening I went home because I had to work all day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Sunday was HORRIBLE! It was free admission day at the CSC so we got allllll of the shitty bums that came in just to be somewhere. Man... Oh well.

Sunday night I came back, Miglino and I played ping pong then I went back to my room and worked a bit on one of my papers that was due. I had fuckin 3 in French and one in Freshman Studies. Bleh.

Monday came and went. I pretty much devoted the whole day to homework and got a lot of it done. Went to dinner and sat with like 15 girls of whom I kinda knew one. Giggidy giggidy lol. :P Then Haley invited me over for pizza and the Steelers game. The game was very good and I stayed for the whole thing to see the Steelers regain the lead with 10 seconds remaining in the game. Then I walked back at 12:45, dead tired. Ah well.

Yesterday was spent working on my homework as well and going to classes. I got my Astronomy "tri-term" exam back and I fuckin got a 72% on it! I did all of the problems exactly right, but I missed 3 multiple choice questions. Who the hell makes MC worth 6 points a pop?? It's bullshit. Anyway then after my final class I rode with Haley and Andy down to the waterfront to drop off the movie we rented. On the way back Haley and I harassed the shit out of whipped Andy who was too afraid to tell Holly that he'd call her back. Sigh.

Today I think will be spent studying for my Political Science midterm, which is going to be so damned hard. There are so many topics that I have to know, and worse yet, only TEN PERCENT of what's covered in class will be on the test! The rest will be through extra readings that we were assigned (that I have yet to read one of). Bleh. So better get a jumpstart on that.

Friday the 28th I'm probably going to fly to Philly with a few of my friends to go see the 30 Seconds to Mars / Audioslave / Seether concert happening there. I really can't wait and I hope we do end up going. So, until next time kiddos!


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