Hot and Humid
My God, was it hot today. There's nothing like sitting in school with it muggy as hell outside and no real air circulation, and NO AIR CONDITIONING. Man it just made my day drag and drag and drag some more.
Anyway, I got all of my finals done except my essay in French. But it's a partner activity so that's always good. The Calc test I took today blew just because of the temperature. My brain like shut down half way through as I was drenched in sweat. But meh, 2 more days left... I don't care...
Tonight I plan on doing nothing. Gonna sit at my computer, maybe play Guild Wars a little bit and then go to bed early. My jaw is killing me today. My orthodontist is having me wear rubber bands again, though these ones are much stronger than the previous ones. And like, I can feel my jaw like ripping and tearing if feels like, I swear. When I take them out and open my jaw up, it literally pops out of place (or so it feels) and then closing it pops it back in, each time sending searing pain throughout my face. So dinner tonight was a bitch to eat and my parents were kinda pissy as to why I wasn't eating. I'm hoping it goes away sometime soon.
Other than that, nothing. Fun fun.
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