Friday, May 27, 2005

Back in Action!

Inspired by a butt-load of friend, Will's Uber Blog is back. I decided to make it all pretty at blogspot because they rock and I didn't feel like coding the backend of my blog again (after I took it down from the old site). Other than that, boom. New blog. Hopefully I'll have the motivation to continue it... again.

Eh, school's been sucking as per usual. Only 7 more days left and then I'm out of the hell hole for ever. I can't fricking wait. Although in those 7 days I need to cram 3 final projects, 2 final exams, and a trimester exam in Calc. Did I mention I have none of my projects done, no desire to study for finals, and have no idea what I'm doing in calc? Oh yeah.. fun times. :D

Hmm. I'm not sure how political I'm going to make this one. I'm kind of leaning toward not bothering at all, as my certain political ideology is frowned upon by a great number of people. And, I'm sick of the insults, snide comments, and just downright immaturity when it comes to arguing politics. Kind of trying to adopt the whole "I'm not going to change your mind, you're not going to change mine: Deal with it" outlook if I can.

Anyway, I worked at the CSC tonight (as opposed to SportsWorks where I usually work) and it was fun. A lot more guest interaction and less priorities, I guess you could say. Definitely a lot more laid back than my typical job (yuck). BUT AMY'S GONE! BAHHHHH. :(

But yeah, did I mention I'm ALMOST DONE WITH SCHOOL!? Graduation is right around the corner and then I'll never again see 99% of these people that have made my life a living hell the last 4 years. Hah, definitely can't wait.

Weekend: Work, work, work, and more work. Every damned day. But the paycheck will be nice... always look forward to that.

Oh, and here's a good one for ya.


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